SOSTAC® Certified Planner
SOSTAC® Certified Planner – How to write the perfect digital marketing plan
Get structure and recognition for your marketing and business planning skills!
Why choose this training?
Business professionals and owners are facing many challenges in incorporating and integrating their business development and marketing campaigns. They need to understand that marketing cannot be a standalone activity, and it takes a lot to plan activities and stitch online together with offline to create an effective strategy.
The consumer in this digital age expects companies to be creative and personalized with their messaging, to deliver through the channel that they want, at the exact moment they want it. So how can companies keep their strategy updated when their focus (potential client) is a moving target? This course reflects the need for practicable responses to the most common challenges facing companies in grappling with digital challenges and opportunities.
Used by professionals across the world, SOSTAC® was voted in The Top 3 Business Models worldwide by the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s Centenary Poll. Since then, SOSTAC® has been adopted by blue chips including Linkedin, KPMG, Not-For-Profit organisations including Greenpeace, hundreds of SMEs and Start-Ups around the world, as well as University Courses and the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s professional courses across the world. SOSTAC® Certified Planner is approved by the CPD Standards Office UK.
“People love its solid, crystal clear, logical structure. SOSTAC® Certified Planners are a new generation of professionals who want to excel in their planning skills.” PR Smith (author)
Prerequisites: 5 years Business/Management Experience
What you will get from the course
- the major principles of marketing and the digital marketing ecosystem
- understand and be able to apply the marketing mix to their organization
- the marketing tools available to them for both offline and online campaigns
- how to create marketing plans using the SOSTAC® planning model tool
- how to avoid the classic mistakes in planning campaigns
- how to exploit new digital tactical tools, build an integrated strategy, develop your plan and measure results to ensure you continually boost your results
- how to plan and optimize marketing plans
Who should attend?
Senior management and those executives who want to move up the ladder.
After this workshop, delegates can take the optional online course and assessment to become SOSTAC® Certified Planners.
About PR Smith
Paul has helped hundreds of companies from IBM to KPMG to innovative start-up businesses to boost their results and create sustainable competitive advantage by integrating creative marketing with cutting edge digital marketing tool. His six marketing books are published in seven languages in both print and ebook versions. His best-selling books are listed as the main texts for many venerable institutions from the Chartered Inst. of Marketing to the Inst. of Direct & Digital Marketing. Paul believes in edutainment which means his books, and carefully structured workshops, are entertaining and educational. His unique SOSTAC® Marketing Planning System is used by organisations around the world.
PR Smith
Complementary Courses
Course Structure
- Situation Analysis (where are we now?) – understanding the digital landscape
- Objectives (where are we going?) – integrating marketing and digital objectives
- Strategy (how do we get there?) – creating a crystal-clear integrated strategy
- Tactics (the details of strategy i.e. the marketing mix) – integrating both digital and traditional
- Actions (how do we ensure excellent execution of the plan?)
- Control (how do we know we are getting there?) – metrics and measurement
This Masterclass will cover:
- SOSTAC® the perfect planning framework for any business & any department
- Popular strategic models and matrices for growth
- Strategic components for you to consider when developing your strategy
- Situation Analysis: define the info you need to make great strategic decisions
- Situation Analysis: identify new types of competition emerging now and in future
- Situation Analysis: define your own business’s distinctive competitive advantage
- Objectives: clarify what objectives you want your strategy to achieve
- Strategy: begin to develop your own strategy
- Strategy: consider strong and weak strategy
- Strategy: ensure strategy drives tactics (and not the other way around)
- Strategy: ask great questions when reviewing strategic options
- Tactics; Actions; Control: outline of the remaining three sections of the
During this Masterclass you will also learn how to:
- Think more strategically
- Write great plans (driven by crystal clear strategies) for your department and/or your business using the acclaimed SOSTAC® planning framework
- Use analysis to reduce risk and make better decisions
- Develop a crystal-clear strategy
- Ensure tactics are driven by strategy
- Ensure excellent execution & avoid those classic costly mistakes
- Use data to add value to the Lifetime CX
- Integrate AI, VR, AR, IoT, MA & Big Data
This course is delivered through two live webinars as well as two live Q&A sessions.
Next date: interactive virtual sessions in March 19, 20, 26 and 27 , from 9:00-12:00
500 £ +VAT
Assessment: 1 hour online, open-book, mini case-study, multiple choice.
Cost: Certified Planner £150 + VAT
Key Steps
Alături de partenerii de la Oxford College of Marketing am dezvoltat un model de training de marketing unic, cu suport online, individual şi cursuri deschise, care asigură studiu teoretic sistematic, aplicare practică şi un procent de 90% de cursanţi care finalizează cursurile, spre deosebire de alte cursuri de marketing sau certificare.