Drive ROI with Social Media

Reach, nurture and engage with your audiences!


Social media usage continues to grow with the proliferation of new platforms and tools. This Specialist Award provides strategic insights into how social media can enable an organisation to reach, nurture, and engage with its target audience. It provides the knowledge and skills to create an effective social media strategy, alongside successful management of social media platforms to drive audience engagement.

Purpose Statement

This Specialist Award covers the strategic management of social media. It covers three key areas: the first area develops the necessary knowledge and skills to create an integrated social media strategy, the second area develops skills in effective social media management; and the third area covers application of measures and tools to assess performance of social media activities.

What will you learn?

Learn how to develop an integrated social media strategy, as well as how to drive audience engagement and analyse activities.

Upon completion of the course, delegates will be equipped with the skills to:

  • Develop an integrated social media strategy

-Describe research techniques to understand social media audiences
-Undertake a social media audit
-Create a social media strategy

  • Know how to manage social media

-Apply a range of techniques to manage a brand and its reputation on social media platforms
-Recommend suitable ways to manage influencers and social media communities
-Determine the resources required to successfully manage social media activities

  • Apply key measures and tools to analyse social media activities

-Recommend appropriate KPI-s and metrics to monitor and measure social media activities
-Evaluate the criteria for social media tool selection

Who should complete a Specialist Award?

Developed for marketing managers in operational and supervisory roles looking to progress their strategic and management skills. Particularly suited to those in specialist roles.


The CIM Level 6 Specialist Awards are assessed via onscreen Multiple Choice Test (MCT). The MCT will utilise a variety of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Types allowing for the assessment of higher order thinking and different levels of cognitive demand.

Certificari internationale marketing
oxford college of marketing logo

Completion time:

6 weeks, 90 hours of learning

Complementary Courses

Instruments and indicative content

  • Social media listening, internal and external data sources, personas, changing customer behavior, social media audit, setting social media objectives, content strategy, integration of paid and organic social media, activities. Management and engagement of communities.

  • Content planning and management, brand tone and identity, reputation management, crisis management, social media management tools, influencers and community management, budgeting, timeline, legal aspects

  • KPI-s and metrics, reporting, testing, optimization, tool selection, organizational risks, resources.

  • Customer journey stages, personas. Pricniples of copywriting, structure, calls to action.

Download the full syllabus


Course Start Dates

The CIM Specialist Digital Award in Ecommerce can be competed in as little as 6 weeks.

Virtual Afternoons: 6 online live sessions starting 15th of July from 16:30 to 18:30, Romanian time.
Virtual Evenings: 6 online live sessions starting 15th of July from 20:30 to 22:30, Romanian time.


Distance Learning

From 450£ + VAT with 9 months of support

 Virtual Classes

From 700£ + VAT with 9 months of support

Key Steps

Specialist Awards have been developed to provide you with an in-depth understanding and expertise in focused areas of Digital marketing through time-efficient, assessed learning. Allowing you to tailor your knowledge and credentials to suit your current and aspirational career goals without such a significant time or financial commitment.

Descarcă broșura

Institutul de Marketing

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Dorim să vă trimitem doar mesaje relevante. Alegeţi ce informaţii doriţi să primiţi de la noi:

Completând acest formular sunteţi de acord cu folosirea datelor pe care ni le furnizaţi pentru a primi răspuns. Vă asigurăm că nu vom utiliza aceste date în alt scop şi că apelăm la toate mijloacele posibile pentru a le trata cu grijă şi responsabilitate şi că nu le vom păstra mai mult decât ne solicitaţi.

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What do the alumni say?

Absolvent Institutul de Marketing Veronica Bogdacenco

The training has been a key milestone in my professional life: the first step towards a reputed international marketing certification and a marketing job abroad.”

Veronica Bogdacenco, Lead Product Manager Growth & Discovery at Tide