Diploma in Professional  and Digital Marketing

Get your know-how structured, certified and up to date with the NEW CIM accredited Diploma!

Why choose the Diploma?

The Diploma in Professional and Digital Marketing is the ideal qualification for marketing managers looking to advance their strategic marketing and management skills.

Successful completion of this level will establish the knowledge, skills and understanding to be able to perform at a management level and to carry out an essential and successful professional marketing role within the workplace.

What will you learn?

The CIM Level 6 Diploma in Professional & Digital Marketing is developed from extensive employer-led research across various sectors, ensuring they align with industry demands.

  • Deliver marketing expertise: Apply the knowledge, skills, and understanding required to excel as a Marketing Manager and deliver on the organisations objectives to perform as a rounded marketing professional.
  • Ensure relevance: Add to your experience to gain an understanding of wider marketing activities and the impact marketing has on the organisation.
  • Demonstrate ability: Build knowledge and skill to prepare for high-level opportunities, enhancing your career path. Gain confidence demonstrating your ability to deliver in the workplace.

Who’s this training for?

The course for experienced marketing professionals that wish to get their knowledge strucured and be up to date with all the relevant tools and update in their profession:

  • Marketing coordinators and executives
  • Marketing managers and senior management
  • Brand managers, product managers and account managers willing to get a comprehensive strategic view of the marketing function.
Certificari internationale marketing

Completion time:

The Diploma in Professional  and Digital Marketing can be completed in 12 months (500 hours total qualifiqation time)

Complementary Courses

oxford college of marketing logo

The full course comprises four modules, one mandatory and three electives that account for 50 credits and 500 hours, total qualification time. Delegates can choose an extended version of five modules, 60 credits and 600 hours, total qualification time.

1. Strategy and Planning (mandatory module)

The Strategy and Planning module is designed to develop your strategic thinking, giving you the skills to create comprehensive marketing plans to successfully support strategic organisational goals.

2. Societal Impact (elective module)

The Societal Impact module focuses on understanding sustainability and its role in organisational change. You will be able to align marketing strategies with long-term sustainability goals, engaging stakeholders for action.

3. Commercial Intelligence (elective module)

Commercial Intelligence will teach you how to interpret and apply data for strategic decision-making in competitive markets. The module will give you the skills to be able to analyse commercial data to enhance marketing strategies and deliver ROI.

4. Content Strategy (elective module)

This module takes a strategic view to content marketing and its fundamental importance in building trust, relationships and delivering conversions. You will learn how to create an effective content strategy and successfully manage its implementation.

5. Brand Proposition (elective module)

The Brand Proposition module explores how marketers can be the driving force behind brand strategy development. You will gain the skills to be able to create a unique brand proposition in increasing competitive markets as well as how to successfully manage a brand.

6. Customer Journey Optimization (elective module)

This module will provide you with the necessary skills to be able to analyse various touchpoints within a customer journey, to deliver improvements in conversions and customer satisfaction.

7. AI Marketing (elective module)

This module explores the key concepts of AI, including the role of data and machine learning. You will learn about the application of different AI tools and how to integrate them within a marketing strategy.

8. E-commerce (elective module)

This module provides the knowledge and skills to develop a successful ecommerce proposition. You will learn about ecommerce website best practice as well as how to build a suitable inbound marketing strategy.

9. Social Media Management (elective module)

This module will enable you to build a successful social media strategy and effectively manage social media channels and communities to drive audience engagement.

10. SEO & Paid Search Management (elective module)

The module will provide you with the knowledge and skills to design an effective search strategy to support an organisation’s wider marketing goals. You will learn how to apply various SEO and paid search best practice to improve search engine visibility.


Course Start Dates

The Diploma in Professional Marketing  can be completed in 12- up to 16 months. We offer two interactive study routes with  various start dates throughout the year.

Delegates can choose Virtual Afternoons or Virtual Evenings: 10 online interactive sessions starting from 16 to 18.30 or 20 to 22:30, Romanian time.

 Route 1

Marketing Gateway – January 14, 15, 16.

January ‘25 – Commercial Intelligence or  Societal Impact Marketing Gateway – January 14, 15, 16th. Interactive virtual afternoons or evenings from January 20th till February 24th, 6 weeks, 5 course sessions + one revision session.

March ‘25 – Customer Journey Optimization or Content Strategy. Interactive virtual afternoons or evenings from March 17th till April 21st, 6 weeks, 5 course sessions + one revision session.

May ‘25 –  Brand Proposition or  Content Strategy. Interactive virtual afternoons or evenings from May 12th till June 16th , 6 weeks, 5 course sessions + one revision session. 

July ‘25 –  Strategy and Planning. Interactive virtual afternoons or evenings  from July 14th till September 8th. 10 sessions, 8 course sessions + 2  workshop and revision sessions.

Route 2

Marketing Gateway – January 14, 15, 16.

January ‘25 – Commercial Intelligence or Societal Impact Marketing Gateway  January 14, 15, 16th.  Interactive virtual afternoons or evenings from January 20th till February 24th , 6 weeks, 5 course sessions + one revision session.

March ‘25 – Customer Journey Optimization, Content Strategy, AI Marketing, E-commerce, SEO and Paid Search Management or  Social Media Marketing. Interactive virtual afternoons or evenings  from March 17th till April 21st, 6 weeks, 5 course sessions + one revision session.

May ‘25 –  Brand Proposition, Content Strategy, AI Marketing, E-commerce, SEO and Paid Search Management or Social Media Marketing. Interactive virtual afternoons or evenings  from May 12th till June 16th, 6 weeks, 5 course sessions + one revision session. 

July ‘25 –  Strategy and Planning. Interactive virtual afternoons or evenings  from July 14th till September 8th. 10 sessions, 8 course sessions + 2  workshop and revision sessions.

Training investment


£720+VAT/Strategy and Planning

£360+VAT/each elective module.

£1800+VAT/full course.


+ 10 Week Virtual Learning (Afternoons or Evenings)

£1104+VAT/Strategy and Planning

£552+VAT/each elective module.

£2760+VAT/full course.

CIM Qualification

The Chartered Institute  (CIM) is the global standard for marketing qualifications. 

1 in 3 marketing leaders hold CIM qualifications. Join this growing community and learn the very latest strategies and best practices. With a CIM qualification, you’ll be ready to seize exciting new opportunities and stay ahead in the competitive marketing world. Gain the skills and confidence needed to make a real impact on your career, and your business.

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Institutul de Marketing

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What do the students say?

„We have chosen this programme as it best suited our marketing department development needs. For us, quality is an extremely important aspect, both in the case of our Napolact products and in the case of learning and development training. The curriculum and the discussions with Oana regarding this program really helped us make an informed decision.

Of course, previous collaborations also mattered, which gave us the assurance that we have a reliable partner that delivers quality courses at international standards!”

Ruxandra Rânja, HR Development Manager, FrieslandCampina Romania

The DMI certification allowed me to transition within my department to a newly created position specific for digital marketing. The DMI Certificate has allowed me to be more confidentin the digital area of my job.”

Digital Marketing Specialist, MC&A, USA